
Taco Tuesday but with a twist!

45 min; less than $20 Serves 6

You guys sensing a theme here? I’m all about quick and budget friendly meals! Let’s get into it. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

Best to get started on the corn dip first. Grab three cans of sweet corn and drain. Chop up 1/2 cup of cilantro. And don’t give me the cilantro is gross. Just use it. Mince 3 garlic cloves and 1 white onion. Throw you some butter in a skillet along with the garlic and onion. Sautee until it smells good. Sprinkle in 2 tablespoons of flour and cook for a couple minutes. Mix in 1/4 cup of heavy cream and 1/2 cup of milk. This part I hate. Get the shredder out because we need 1 1/2 cups of Monterey Jack cheese. You do you if you want to buy the shredded. It does taste better my way. LOL Stir in the grated cheese and 1 tablespoon of cajun seasoning. Place the lid on and remove from heat.

Fish. I was able to snag (pun intended :)) tilapia from the local Aldi, again 50% off and it had 4 large filets. Get them out of the package, pat dry and cut down the center so you have 8 long and skinny filets. Sprinkle heavily with a no sodium cajun seasoning and place seasoned side down into a cast iron. Once placed, sprinkle naked side heavily with same seasoning. Pop into oven and set a timer or your internal clock for 15 min.

Corn is done and fish is cooking. Grab the leftover cabbage from yesterday’s meal. Shred/chop however you would like. I didn’t have any purple cabbage but I did have some carrots in the fridge. I shredded about 1 cup and mixed with cabbage. Seasoned with salt, pepper, and a 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Stir it up and I used about 3/4 cup of siracha mayo, but feel free to use whatever you would like. Voila you have slaw. Your fish should be done and all you need is to plate it up and add some tortilla chips and heat up some corn tortilla shells. 🙂 Enjoy