Dinner Recipes

Not so Mundane Monday.

45 minutes; less than $20. Serves 6 adults.

Can’t beat that in this world. Granted the salmon was on sale and I’m pretty efficient in the kitchen, so your pricing and time may vary. I digress. Let’s get into it and preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

Cabbage. Who would have thought you would need so little to make cabbage taste good? I cut these into 1/2″ steaks and then in half again, really to just fit on the pan. Sprinkled with a pad of butter, some pine nuts, and grated parmesan. I prefer real parm that needs to be grated, you do you. Pop into oven. If you aren’t good at keeping time in your head, set a timer for 30 minutes.

Salmon. This wasn’t wild caught, if you can source wild caught, do so. The local Aldi had this salmon for 50% off making it $9.30 and I’m choosing that over wild caught any day. Have you seen the price of food? Whenever I open it, I always remove from container and pat dry with a paper towel (both sides). Sliced 2″ filets, placed skin down in a cast iron, and grabbed a bowl for the marinade.

You are going to need 2 tablespoons of lemon, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 garlic clove minced, 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard, salt and pepper to taste. I prefer fresh lemons and garlic that doesn’t come from China, again, you do you. Also, do yourself a favor and get all of this out on your counter BEFORE you begin. It will make you quicker. 🙂 Mix it up and brush/pour on top of your salmon. You are probably at the 30 min mark for your cabbage. If not, wait for the timer and pop in for 10-15 minutes (Leave the cabbage in there while your salmon is cooking.) While this is cooking let’s get our cucumber and avocado salad going.

I’m going to be honest, the more I ate this, the more I disliked it. Grab two large seedless cucumbers, 2 avocados, and dice into bite size pieces. Top with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley, 1 clove of minced garlic, and a 1/2 teaspoon of red chili flakes, cumin, salt and pepper. Mix and toss in fridge. I have some time left so I decided to make a little cream sauce to accompany.

A tablespoon or two of butter in a skillet, a glove of minced garlic. Sautee until fragrant. Add about a cup of heavy cream and a few tablespoons of grated parm. Let simmer until your food comes out of oven.

45 minute mark everything should be done. Plate it up and eat it hot! Don’t forget about salad in fridge! 😉